What did I accomplish during Day 16 of this challenge? Well, I watched the following:
16th January 2012 - THE A-TEAM
From Development Hell to the big screen in just over 20 years...cant believe it took that long to get this film, but I love it when a plan comes together! This deviated away from the original series in almost every way, except for the character names. It does have blink-and-you'll-miss-it cameos from Dirk Benedict & Dwight Shultz (Face & Murdoch), but was missing Mr T.
Speaking of Mr T, his BA character was much better than Quinton Jackson's. Firstly, Mr T never uttered the immortal words Pity the Fool in the show (it was in Rocky 3), yet he has them tattooed on his hands in this film? And turning BA into a pacifist? Shame on you filmmakers! No wonder the box office wasnt great for this film.
If you ignore that this is a big screen version of a classic show, you will appreciate it more. The storyline is good, and the action & comedy mixes well. It just doesnt feel like these guys were available for hire to the common man. It was missing what made the show, but I cant put my finger on what it is. Maybe its the cheesiness, maybe something else. Suggestions on a postcard please...until then, Alpha Mother Foxtrot...ADIOS MOTHER F#?!$R!
16th January 2012 - MAN ON FIRE
This is an absolutely awesome film. Ever wanted to see an old fat mexican get blown up courtesy of a grenade up the jacksy? Then watch this when you can! Its basically a revenge tale of a burned-out drunk ex US assisin who moves to Mexico to become a bodyguard. he doesnt like the person he has to protect (its Dakota Fanning - the screamy girl from War of the Worlds, no wonder he wants to ignore her) but they then become friends, she gets kidnapped & he gets shot to shit.
When the ransom goes wrong, the kid dies & he decides to murder everyone involved, despite being in the process of dying himself. Cue fingers being cut off & shot off, rocket grenades, gunfire & a damn good plot. So good that I get emotional and will shed a tear at the end (not in the alternative ending, that shit just makes me laugh heartily).
Denzel is badass as always, and this just cranks it up to 11. He is very professional &, dare I say, quite a friendly killer. Christopher Walken is also in it, though his role is just to provide a soundbite for the trailer...and to supply the guns...no dancing whatsoever. i need to watch that Fatboy Slim video again!
So far, thats a total of 10 films watched this week, with just 9 more required by close of play Saturday night to meet my average. Will I make it? Keep an eye on the blog!
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